Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog. In case you're interested, here's a little more info about yours truly:
- I swear too much.
- I love art & could spend countless hours discussing it. My calling in life was probably to be an Art History major.
- I'm addicted to trashy TV. We're talking Judge Judy, Maury, Cheaters - you get the picture.
- Ok, fine. I'm addicted to all TV.
- I'm a
slighthypochondriac. - I'd rather watch the Harry Potter movies than read the books, & I'm not ashamed to say it!
- I'm a city mouse at heart, but I'm adjusting to living in the country. My favorite part is bird watching from my back porch.
- I wish my township offered recycling.
- I love political humor.
- My laugh is obnoxious.
- I talk too loudly.
- I hate Stevie Nicks.
- If you haven't noticed, I'm incredible opionated.
- I love thunderstorms, & rainy days in general.
- I like long car rides with the music as loud as it goes.
- I take everything personally.
- I don't care what anyone says, South Park is different (& better) than Family Guy.
- I listen to terrible music - Christina Aguilera, the Backstreet Boys, the Spice Girls, etc.
- I also listen to good (I think) music - John Mayer, the Dave Matthews Band, the Foo Fighters, etc.
- I've been known to enjoy the crappy movies on the SciFi network