I often joke that I love all God's creatures...except for the people. Anyone who really knows me will tell you that's absolutely true. DJ & I don't have any children, or even plans to have children anytime soon, so these are our babies.
Ripley is a lab/pittbull mix who doesn't even know she's a dog. Although she has a very ferocious bark, she's terrified of everything & has been known to hide under DJ's wheelchair when we get visitors. She loves to eat cat food & sleep in bed with me. DJ has had her since she was a puppy, so she's never been abused or neglected in any way, but her trademark orphan face would make her the perfect Animal Rescue League spokesdoggie. She's my loyal, loving hemroid, & I wouldn't have it any other way.
Scooter is DJ's cat, & our only boy. We'll never know if anything is really wrong with him because he meows at the top of his lungs ALL FREAKING DAY. I believe that he purposely rolls around on our dirty garage floor because he knows I can't stand it. I can't really complain though, because he takes a shower with me everyday. No, really; he gets in the shower with me & sits under the water...everyday.
From the moment Kiki came home we knew she belonged with us. The very first thing she did was claim the bed & pick a fight with the dog. She is a little diva who will stop whatever she's doing the instant one fur is out of place. Kiki has no respect for personal space & often chooses to nap on the laptop keyboard while DJ & I are using it. So if I'm posting less, this is probably why.