The random ramblings of a perpetual procrastinator. These are the life & times of a nursing home CNA navigating the ups & downs of living with someone who's living with a disability. A sometimes amusing, sometimes bittersweet look at my journey into real adulthood.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Meet me on Monday

Meet me on Monday is a weekly blog hop hosted by Java at Never Growing Old.  Just answer the questions & link up!


1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of?

We're having a Christmas Eve lunch with the boyfriend's family.  I'm planning on chicken parm & spaghetti, salad, beer bread & who knows what else.  My family will have more traditional food (ham, turkey, etc), but we don't have a sit down meal.  We just have sandwiches, potato/macaroni salad & other finger foods.  And we never forget the Polish food!   It's nice, because extended family & friends come & go throughout the night, & every eats what they want when they want.

2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?

I do a little of both.  Sometimes I'm too impatient to wait, & other times I just have to watch because the commercials are so funny.  Did anyone else see the Penelope Cruz commercial for Kahluah??  Love it!

3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?

My family will be here on New Year's Day for pork & sauerkraut, so I'll keep them up until then.

4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?

Steel Magnolias.  No matter how many times I see it, it gets me everytime.  You would think I'd learn my lesson after a while.

The armadillo cake is one of the funnier points in the movie.  If you haven't seen it, you must!  Total chick flick, but I love it.

5. Do you have a Facebook?

Yes - & I'm an addict.


  1. I like to leave the Christmas decorations up till New Year's too. It's so depressing once I take them down :)

  2. Hi there! I am following back. You made me laugh with the Steel Magnolia's red velvet armadillo cake. LOL

  3. Just stopping by to say howdy from
    Meet Me On Monday (Love to read the answers)
    Laurie from Grandma Sez So
    Please check out my Etsy-Blogger linky. It may or may not be of interest to you. Just spreading the word along as I happily hop.
    I ♥ that movie too!

  4. HAHAHA!! The armadillo cake!! Gotta' LOVE it!! ;D
    I feel like the house is NAKED when the deco comes down... I hold off till after New Years, too! (((HUGS)))

  5. Hi there!
    Happy Monday! I'm your newest follower and I really like the idea of casually eating throughout an evening or a day. What we do is a bit too formal and if someone is late......cold turkey :) Drop by my blog and read my answers. I can be found at Sugarbeat's Books

  6. number three is the same for us as well....i feel like not many people are familiar with the tradition of pork and sauerkraut though!! but dont you hate taking down the christmas decorations

  7. May I join you for New Years? I love pork and sauerkraut! Yum!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. You just keep getting cooler & cooler! I heart Steel Magnolias like uhmm LOVE! By the end I am a hot mess! Such a great movie!!

