The random ramblings of a perpetual procrastinator. These are the life & times of a nursing home CNA navigating the ups & downs of living with someone who's living with a disability. A sometimes amusing, sometimes bittersweet look at my journey into real adulthood.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vacation, all I ever wanted. Vacation, have to get away.

This week's Weekend Warriors topic is vacations, & DJ & I have only been on one together, I thought I'd share some pictures & a few stories.

Last summer we went to Tampa, FL.  The original plan was to visit one of his friends who was sick, but unfortunately we didn't make it in time.  DJ used to live in Tampa, so there was still plenty of visiting to do. 

We decided to drive from Pennsylvania to Florida, along with DJ's sister & brother-in-law (who got married the day we left!).  Exhausted from a long, eventful day, we crammed everything in the car & set out on our long 2:30 in the morning.

As much as I would have liked to, I didn't take many pictures on the ride down to Florida.  I was far too miserable.  It was late when we finally got there, & I was deliriously tired.  But was was totally worth it the next morning.  This was the view from our hotel room window.

We spent a day at the zoo where we:

hand-fed some sting rays,

...and some giraffes...

made friends with some penguins,

and ate enormous sno-cones during the worst rain storm of the trip.

We spent another day at the aquarium where we:    


                                                                            saw some fish

& got up close & personal with some inquisitive penguins  

who were very interested in the wheelchairs.

The rest of the trip was spent laptop shopping, fighting over the baby, watching each other play Rock Band, long games of Warhammer & eating everything from all-you-can-eat barbecue to delivery sushi.


  1. Looks like you had a blast! The pic of the Giraffe is awesome.. usually you see a whole body shot, i like how the Giraffe is all up in the Camera!! Love the pic of boy meets purse! So cute.... Hope your weekend is a blast!

  2. So you know this is where I live, right?

    I love my home. And all the places in your pics are some of my favorite places in the whole world. Love the stingrays and I didn't see any in the pics, but love our manatees. Glad you had fun in my town!

  3. @Joann: What a small world! I didn't know you lived in Tampa. This trip was the first time I had ever been there, & I fell in love! Now I know why DJ misses it so much.

  4. @Jane: I have that picture on Facebook with a caption that says, "Fred is a pretty, pretty princess!" Lol.

  5. Hi, it's me back again. And yes, I do care about your choices! That's the funnest part, seeing who all the other girlies picked. You know, we're really just 12 year old girls at heart!

    And like me, I see you have a vast and varied array of tastes in men.

    Alan Rickman was on my list initially. But, he got cut since it was sadly only 5. I loved him in Sense and Sensibility.

    And I forgot about Denzel. Man, when that man is on the screen he just smolders in sexiness!

    Thanks for playing along. It sure was fun!
