The random ramblings of a perpetual procrastinator. These are the life & times of a nursing home CNA navigating the ups & downs of living with someone who's living with a disability. A sometimes amusing, sometimes bittersweet look at my journey into real adulthood.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Vote for me!

Please stop over at Unexpected Surprises & vote for my photo montage.

I thought I had a good idea, but the only person who voted for me is my SIL. : (

Ironically, my SIL seems to be in the lead! : )

So if you vote for her, I won't hold it against you.  Her montage was really cute.


  1. Voted! So...can I have some of those pretty cupcakes you made, but full of sugary awesomeness? (kidding...mostly ;) )

  2. Thanks! I think I am going to try to make them again someday. I wonder how well they would keep on a trip to Alabama?
